03 October 2007

a Penny saved is a Dollar lost / The Lady in Red

Ok, some jackass just rode by on a little motor scooter which may as well have been made by Fisher Price. He's not as hard as I hope he thinks he is.

I envy you fuckers who have full time jobs. While most of you might be in a temporary position, you're at least on the climb. Your friend Matt however is a college grad making $8 an hour recording recitals at the University. My last paycheck was a whopping $24.39. That may have paid the rent 200 years ago, I'm afraid I'll be drinking a 30 of BEAST this evening.

This should inspire me, but it doesn't. Fools & Horses is doing well by comparison, and we manage to throw all our earnings back into the pot, save for a small small percentage that ends up in our pockets. But right now we have more money going out than coming in. The account is frequently overdrawn, and I may start losing hair. I've got a lot of it, so I could be wrong. Pray that I am.

Demoed a few goodn's last week that I hope we can use.
My favorite is a song about an ex from high school. I feel a bit like John Cusack from High Fidelity. I can't speak too ill of her, as a lot of time's gone by since she destroyed my heart.
Glad she did though. So every now and then, the night of her senior prom comes back to haunt me. We were on a lovely "break" from our relationship on the week leading up to the prom and I was entirely gutted. However, one little shred of hope left to me was this prom. So I dappered myself up quite nicely, swallowed hard and went for it.

Limo ride was nice, dinner was crap (but it always is), and the company was surprisingly warm. They may have known she was done with my ass by that point and were just being kind. Either way, I felt things were on the up. Then she disappeared. I was left alone at her prom for the remainder of the evening. I managed to find her once, and we danced to that high school classic "lady in red."

So this doesn't sound as remotely horrible as it was, but believe me. I was a hopeless, hopeless case. And she broke up with me officially through e-mail the next day, but I'm over it! Or am I?(chuckle) I really am, it's just sometimes the feeling of what I felt comes back to me every now and then, and I get inspired to write about it. So this latest one is called I am the Ghost. And I'll play it now if you like PLAY ME BITCH!


Anonymous said...

Ah broken up with email. A guy did that to me too. Classic. Expect for I was a senior in college, not high school. I really like the song though so maybe it was worth it in some weird way.

Anonymous said...

he matt , i hear ya bout the job thing...weeks go by and the best i got is 'we might be able to give you an unpaid internship sometime next year'...real helpful...nice song though-get it out in the art cause at the end of the day, at least that'll always be there for you :-)

artfreak44 said...

nice one matt, i love the song. I think i have the same memory of a girl crushing my heart back in middle school. Guess the only thing that work its making a song (for u), and creating some artwork, paintings, (for me). Keep it up Matt. Love the music that fools & horses make. i wanted to let you know i think i might be related to you. My uncle bill is married to your (and mine)Aunt Terri Hutchison, i used to hang with her son adam malinski. well, my email is jhopkins013003@comcast.net. You guys rock. Can't wait to see you at the 8 x 10

Anonymous said...

All I can say is, wonderful song. And damn sorry that the girl was so...unbelievably tactless. I mean, e-mail? C'mon, that's low.

Anonymous said...

Good thing you found someone totally awesome to take her place! ;-)

Amy D. said...

Hey Matt-

It's really cool that you feel comfortable enough to share your feelings to connect more with your fans!

I feel ya on the job situation..being a college graduate and making squat sucks, especially when you need to pay back loans..hehe.

Sorry to also hear about how your ex-gf treated you! It sucks when someone gives you the hope of things working out, and then just proving to you once again how they can disappoint you. I wish more people realized how their actions affect others, and that hiding behind an e-mail doesn't solve anything. People can suck sometimes hehe.

Anonymous said...

Well... we've all been there, right? And, heart break equals soul. And, that's why you're such a great song writer matt. You've got soul.

Unknown said...

To be fair, the grass is always a little bit greener... Even with the sweet job it's still hard to make ends meet. And after sitting in a windowless cubicle for 50 hours a week, staring at a computer screen, I would give a lot to hit the road again. :)

Anonymous said...

A Note. So you did get A Note. I got my note at the end of summer after 12th grade. My boyfriend Todd broke up with me the day of graduation.That was a very long night. I was so busy crying that I lost all of the money I had been given as gifts that night. I must have just dropped it and not even noticed. A month passed. Suddenly, Todd just had to have me back. We got back together for one very insecure month(on my part).Then, he left me a note. The Note. A really nice,well written note. Clutching the note I ran to my mother. Crumpled and wet from my tears I handed it to her. I watched her closely as she read the message of my heart break. She looked up and said"I didn't know he had it in him.I didn't think he could write like this" I was so stunned I couldn't respond. Funny how we may see magic in some people that others don't even notice. As a side note, Thank God he broke up with me! Looking back, I can't imagine having lived with him all this time! No wonder my mother wasn't upset. Your song is beautiful. Remember the song American pie? He had a bad night too. While I was still heart broken over Todd I started studying at MICA. I made a little metal sculpture of a nude girl curled up screaming. It's one of the best art pieces I ever made. So I guess artist do find inspiration in misery! When we're happy we just enjoy the moment! Here's to enjoying the moment.miesa

Unknown said...

Lucky for you, you found someone 1000 times better to take her place. :)

Unknown said...

hey matt!

i really really love the song, i've been listening to it on replay all day. can you post the lyrics?
